Entrada 2020

Ritualistic Metal of Doom


Under the sign of Baal, in somber MMXV, the gates of hell are opened… emerging from their malevolent entrails Spectrum Mortis.
The sound of death is reflect into a Ritualistic Metal of Doom, their first act in the macabre essence is baptised “Blasphemare Nomen Eius”, five necromantic ancient and occult ceremonies emerging from the ashes of the times in the cursed MMXVI…

Hymn to Nikkal

The burial shades of disolution

Yaotzin Ili e-Ol balazodareji, od aala tahilanu-osnetaabe: daluga vaomesareji elonusa cape-mi-ali varoesa cala homila; dasata beregida od torezodul! Do-o-i-ape mada: goholore, gohus, amiranu! Micama! Yehusozod ca-ca-com, od do-o-a-inu noari micaolazoda a-ai-om.

Vi-i-vau el! Sobame ial-pereji i-zoda-zodazod pi-adapehe casarema aberameji ta ta-labo paracaleda qo-ta lores-el-qo turebesa oogebalatohe! erem Iadanahe Sedit cocasabe fafenu izodizodope, od miinoagi de ginetaabe: vaunu na-na-e-el: panupire malapireji caosaji.

Ili e-Ol balazodareji, od aala tahilanu-osnetaabe: daluga vaomesareji elonusa cape-mi-ali varoesa cala homila; Beelzebub Azazel vaunid-el-cahisa ta-pu-ime qo-mos-pelehe telocahe; Metztli Nija Do-o-i-ape mada: goholore, gohus, amiranu! Micama! Yehusozod ca-ca-com, od do-o-a-inu noari micaolazoda a-ai-om.

Thoth dasata beregida od torezodul! Micama! goho Pe-IAD! zodir com-selahe azodien biabe os-lon-dohe. das zodonurenusagi cab: Behemoth Samnu Loki Adramelech Ol sonuf vaoresaji, gohu IAD Balata Mormo dasata beregida od torezodul! Behemoth Adramelech Melek Taus

Amon Pan Typhon cocasabe fafenu izodizodope, od miinoagi de ginetaabe: vaunu na-na-e-el: panupire malapireji caosaji. Set Pilada noanu vaunalahe balata od-vaoan. sobrazod-ol Roray i tanazodapesad, od comemahe ta nobeloha zodien zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe Saitan!

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Blasphemare Nomen Eius

-Ad Noctem- Split 2020

קדוש – EP 2018

-Blasphemare Nomen Eius – EP 2016