Spells of death

Bit Meseri -The Incantation-

  • II. Utu Abzu
  • I. An
  • III. U Anne Dugga
  • I. An
  • IV. Bit Meseri
  • V. Uanna
  • VI. An Enlilda
  • VII. El Sol de Eridu
  • VIII. Shamash

-Ad Noctem- Split LP with Hacavitz

  • I. Sprung from Sacrilege – Hacavitz
  • II. Tarnished Astray – Hacavitz
  • III. Paradise Conclave – Hacavitz
  • IV. Videbam Satanan (Hymn to the Lord of the Throne) – Spectrum Mortis
  • V. Hymn to Nikkal – Spectrum Mortis
  • VI. Magna Mater (Hymn to the Great Mother) – Spectrum Mortis


  • I. קדוש
  • II. Fiat Nox (Hymn to the Master of Death)
  • III. Et Filius Aurorae (Hymn to the Son of Dawn)
  • IV. Christus Mysticus (Hymn to the Messenger of Gods)

Blasphemare Nomen Eius

  • I. Bestiae Dominatu Exanimis
  • II. Orationibus Sanctorum Satanae
  • III. Hymnus Mortis et Cruentum Sacrificium
  • IV. Cibum Comedentis Mortuorum et Princeps Regum
  • V. Mortem ac Tumultu in Tenebris