The call

The congregation of these four entities to celebrate the beginning of their necrosophy and the ritualistic metal of doom begins in 2015, their first EP called “BLASPHEMARE NOMEN EIUS” , was recorded, mixed and mastered in Moontower studios and produced by the Spanish label BlackSeed Productions in 2016, edited in vinyl and CD format, the essence of this first material contains 26 minutes of primitive and dark melodies, the tape edition was released by In Pulverem Mortis Productions with an hellish result.

Spectrum Mortis worked in the second EP and was recorded at the Empty Hall Studios in 2017, called “קדוש” , with four new rituals of occult mysticism and necromantic evocations. It was edited in 2018 by BlackSeed Productions again, in vinyl and CD.

In 2020 a third plague has just been released, in the form of a split called “-Ad Noctem-“, with the cursed Hacavitz, united in one hellish sulphur piece.

Spectrum Mortis ceremonies are an authentic celebration of the fall of light and the cult of black fire under the sign of Baal.

Spectrum Mortis

After signing with Listenable Records, the band concentrated on working to release a full-length album, immersed in ancient worlds, between infinite passages buried in the sands of time, going back to the Sumerian saga of Apkallus and Ziggurats, under that primordial influence, in 2021 SM enters at The Empty Hall studios in Madrid and records what will be BitMeseri “The Incantation”,with great results and which has been released in 2022.


S P E C T R U M   M O R T I S